Saturday 17 September 2011

Who of old and new

Guess what?? This post has nothing to do with the T word.  How good is that??  So any mention of it stops here.

Right, well I was catching up on Doctor Who last week with the latest episode The girl who waited which sees the Doc, Amy and Rory head off to a strange alien planet (as they do) and they meet some weird robots that kill with "kindness" and affects the population with two hearts or something (yep its very confusing) which basically a plague.  Anyway to cut a long and rather complex story short, Amy is trapped on the planet, and somehow an older version of herself appears, while Rory comes looking for her, he encounters the old Amy, who has become bitter (not to mention wrinkly) and is pretty handy with a sword, as they cut their way through the bad robots.  Meanwhile the Doctor is stranded onboard the TARDIS due to the virus and tries to find a way to save the young (and fit) Amy. 

I quite liked this episode, the idea of the older Amy worked quite well, although she claimed she had spent 36 years of her life waiting of Rory and the Doctor to come and get her, but she seemed to hold on well to her marbles, after 36 years you think she would go mad!  Karen Gillan's makeup was also pretty good as she looked fairly convincing all aged-up, in fact she might get a bit paranoid wondering if that's how she will look in 30 years time (not that she looked that bad!).

However again the plotlines are forever confounding in their complexity, everything is rattled off to quickly and in the 45 minute format of the show I think they always try to squeeze in too much plot.  This again highlights the problem of the new show's format, as one part stories running at 45 minutes each, doesn't allow for much story development, it always has to be cram packed with too many ideas, and some of them don't make much sense.  This isn't so much of a problem with the two part stories or the occassional three parters, but I also think at times the writers should take heed of how the original series structure worked and to learn from that, yeah ok they don't have money or time to make 26 episode series anymore, but its a bit annoying when everything in the show has to be rushed.  Also with Steven Moffat who just insists on writing everything out of synch and in a backward fashion is also a tad annoying, I like Steven though as a writer as he is clever and has good ideas, and has definitely contributed a great deal to the new series. 

But I guess I do miss the old format of the show and ultimately I am a fan more of the show from its old days than I am now.  But I am pleased that the show has been brought back to the small screen (well not so small these days) and every week it does give us something that is worth a watch on a Saturday night other cack like the X-Factor, quiz shows and whatever else might be on.  But I digress, so just to finish off on the latest Who episode, I quite enjoyed it, so I will look forward to the next episode.

Oh and the old Jon Pertwee classic story The Day of the Daleks is out on DVD already this week, so I've ordered that and will look forward to watching it once it arrives.  The Day of the Daleks while not one of Pertwee's absolute best is a pretty good story, which features some fine performances, particularly from Aubrey Woods as the Controller of Earth in the future.  It will also feature a remastered version with some new effects and the even more monotonous than usual dalek voices been redone by Nicholas Briggs, who will cut down on the inordinant time it took for the voice actors to deliver the dalek lines in the original!  So that will be worth a watch in itself, if you are a Who geeka-phile. 

Rrrrrighttt that's enough the now. 

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