Sunday 2 October 2011

The impossible man

Well just watched the end of the last episode of the sixth series of Doctor Who, with the dramatic conclusion of the Doctor's fate, 200 years into his future where he is killed by a figure in a spacesuit, and at least all comes clear as to who that was.

So as River Song herself says: spoilers!  The Doctor realising that he is destined die at Lake Silencio in Utah USA, decides to do a bit of last minute visiting before his date with death to find his old blue pal Dorium Maldovar, who was killed in "A good man goes to war" who warns that his death has to happen as its a fixed point in time.  We also learn of course that the figure in the spacesuit is in fact a younger version of River, who has been conditioned by the female baddie Kovarian to kill the Doctor.  But River refuses to kill the Doctor and instead drains her suit of its weapons power to allow him to live, which then causes the fabric of time to begin to unravel.  The Doctor afterwards is reunited with Amy, who now seems to be a ranked officer who leads an army of soldiers one of whom is Rory (first a Centurian now a Lieutenant!) but due to the altered timeline caused by the fabric in Amy's bedroom, Amy doesn't recognise Rory for who he is.  But its all a big trap, as Kovarian has lured the Doctor so she can use the Silence (the creepy skull like faced baddies) to kill him and everyone else, but its the Doctor and if you think he's going down, well..... you know.

The wedding of River Song is a very entertaining finale to the sixth season, and there are plenty of good moments, and it was a good recovery after the naff episode prior to this one with James Corden and his baby who blows up the Cybermen "with love", cringe.   So some of the good scenes in particular are the Doctor's scenes with Dorium, as Dorium provides the Doctor with some troubling facts.  The idea of the altered timeline again is good as Amy (looking good with or without an eye patch) fails to recognise Rory who is her lieutenant, although Amy does appear to fail to recognise quite a lot when it comes to Rory!  By now we pretty much know who River is, as she is Amy's daughter and looks very like the Doctor's future wife, and Alex Kingston again provides a very fine performance as the mysterious professor (and she looks pretty good in black!). 

The only thing about the episode though and the whole series is once again Steven Moffat point blank refuses or is incapable or writing any story in a linear fashion which makes any sense!  He is a clever and imaginative writer, but he does abuse the flashback and flash foward narrative more than anyone else, so much it makes even Quentin Tarantino look positively straight forward with his narratives!  I also thought the end of the episode was a little bit of a copout with the Doctor confessing to Dorian that he faked his own death so he could keep a low profile and go back to his life as a travelling wanderer.  It pretty much made the events of the season look like a big convoluted masquarade, which let's face it, it was.  But with the Doctor we know he is always one step ahead of not just his enemies but everyone (and sometimes even himself!).      

Anyhow that's the sixth season over with, overall I thought it was a bit of a mixed bag, some good episodes and some not so good ones, and it lacked the quality of Matt Smith's debut season.  But Mr Smith has grown very well into his role as the Doctor, providing us with plenty of really good moments of humour, anger, vulnerability as well as a lot of ridiculous twirling! 

Up next will be another Christmas special, usually the Xmas specials tend not to match the quality of the series episodes, but I'm sure it will prove to be entertaining enough.

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