Wednesday 25 April 2012

Food for the masses

OK now for my next post (or rather this one) I am doing an update on the latest episode of The Apprentice.  This time the two teams, had to come up with quality food they could sell on the streets of Edinburgh, the food wasn't to be too cheap in quality or bog standard pies, rolls and sausage etc. 

So the two teams Sterling (lead by Jenna) and Phoenix (lead by Adam) came up with their ideas of what to sell, with team Sterling coming up with the idea of doing a beef cassarole, and Phoenix doing an Italian meatball dish.  Adam went against Lord Sugar's instructions to sell good quality food, and went for cheap low quality meat, which they decided to sell at a football match.  Now you would think the last thing that football fans would want during the day and on the interval of a match, would be an Italian meatball dish, so needless to say they didn't sell well at the match and they over priced the food as well at £5.99.  Team Sterling however chose to sell their cassarole, which was of better quality on the city centre streets, although it was revealed that they spent alot of money on the ingredients and making the food.  And after the botched attempt at selling at the football match, Adam moved his team to try and find customers on a tour bus, and they tried to entice them to come along and taste their food, which also backfired, but they did eventually sell some of their food in the city centre. 

When it came to the boardroom Lord Sugar after getting the usual feel of what the two teams came up and asked the inevitable "good team leader???" questions, he got down to the numbers and it was revealed that it was a close call between the two teams, with team Sterling narrowly taking more profit than Phoenix by £20.  Back in the boardroom, the team leader Adam decided to bring Katie and Azhar back in with him, as he felt with Katie that she made a bad decision in deciding to try and sell the food at the football match which cost them alot of time and money, and Azhar didn't contribute much to the overall task.  However despite Azhar's quiet nature and alleged lack of contribution, he did defend himself well in the boardroom when saying why he shouldn't be fired.  And Adam despite bungling the task somewhat also managed to get off due to his energetic and enthusiastic nature which saved him from the firing line, which left Katie who after being in the boardroom three times in the bottom three, was finally let go by Lord Sugar. 

I have to say though once again that I'm not sure I agree with Lord Sugar's decision to fire Katie, and throughout the process I think she was used as a bit of scapegoat for the failure of the tasks.  However on this occasion, her contribution unfortunately really did cost the task, as they simply wasted too much time in trying to sell the food in the wrong places.  And Adam for me mismanaged the task quite badly in this one, and he lost sight of what was going on, as he was much more concerned with trying to keep the costs of the food production low, so that way they could sell more at a cheaper price, but £5.99 certainly wasn't cheap.  So in my opinion Adam probably should have went instead, and I have to say there are times where he really doesn't have a clue and comes across a real numpty, which is probably why they have kept him in, as he makes for amusing telly.  As for Azkhar I think while his lack of contribution was an issue, he was quite articulate in his defence in the boardroom, which is crucial if the candidates wish to stay in the process, so fair enough and he might show more potential in future episodes.

So that's us down to 10 in the process now, and another episode awaits, which at this point I'm not quite sure what the next task is, but no doubt we will find out soon.

And on that note, that's it the now.  Now get out of my shop!

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