Sunday 1 May 2011

Some Who

I watched the second part of the two part story in Doctor Who's new series last night, Day of the moon, which was good, with the Doctor, Amy, River and Rory trying to sort out the terror with the scary looking aliens called The Silence who threaten the Earth.  The cast again are all fine and as well as a fine guest appearance of Mark Sheppard who plays the special agent Canton Delaware (who turns out to be gay at the end!  Perhaps Russel T Davies is still exherting a behind the scenes influence on the show! ;-)).   

But as usual things get sorted out one way or another, although the end of the episode seen a very interesting development with the little girl who was in the astronaut suit.  It appears when at the end of the first episode that when Amy shot the little girl (because in the future the astronaut kills the future Doctor) in the astronaut suit, at the end of the second part that she staggers into a gutter where she says to a tramp "I'm dying, but its ok, I think I can fix it" at that point she starts to appear to regenerate in a Time Lord fashion!  Possibly the little girl had absorbed some of the Doctor's DNA when she shot him maybe??  Its interesting to see what will happen there.  It also reminded me of the Doctor's daughter who back in the eponymous episode died at the end (again shot) then comes back to life and takes in a spaceship, we might see her again too.

Another interesting factor of the story was at the end of the episode River kisses the Doctor goodbye (again not in a platonic way!) and he almost resists in his reponse, quite surprised at it happening as he tells River they've never kissed before, which makes River realise just how little the Doctor knows her yet.  Obviously in the future (or past) they are a couple and the Doctor is just at the beginning of their relationship while in a way River is at the end.  It will be interesting to see just how River's character develops throughout the rest of the series.

Anyhow the next episode looks like a fun light hearted one, The Curse of the Black Spot, with the Doc and his companions materialising on a 17th century pirate ship.  As long as its not a poor retread of the already piss poor Pirate of the Caribean movies it should be good.

Moving onto more Doctor Who, on Monday 9 May there will be the release of the Mannequin Mania DVD box set, which is the autons double bill (the plastic baddies with their guns hidden in their hands) from the Jon Pertwee era, Spearhead from Space and The Terror of the Autons.  Both stories are historic within the Pertwee era of Doctor Who, as Spearhead was the first Jon Pertwee story (also the only one to be shot entirely on film and the first in colour!) and Terror of the Autons introduce the UNIT family (Benton, Mike Yates, not to mention Jo Grant) and the Doctor's ultimate arch nemesis, the Master.  The other great news about the box set is that Spearhead which was previously released will also be given a revisitation with plenty of extras, as well as a remaster of the film print.  So really looking forward to that.  

So that's enough Who for now.  More tennis posts to follow!  It looks just like its now a Doctor Who and Tennis blog, but more different posts will follow.  I promise! 

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