Sunday 24 April 2011

The Doctor is back!

Its been a while since the Time Lord had graced our screens and tonight saw the return of the Doctor as the sixth series of Doctor Who got underway with the first episode The Impossible Astronaut.

The first episode took off with Steven Moffat doing his usual clever and confusing plotlines about the Doctor who appears to have died in front of his companions eyes at the hands of a masked astronaut, only to later have the Doctor reappear in a diner in Utah.  Of course we also have the return of River Song, who again mysteriously comes into play, as we are still left wondering who exactly she is?  Moffat almost seems to take delight in confounding his audience with keeping his character's secrets dark and hidden, and River Song appears to be as big a puzzle as the Doctor.  Although by the way in which she keeps calling the Doctor "sweetie" and "my love" I can only imagine that they both are a couple in the future (or the past).

Anyways the Impossible Astronaut was an enjoyable opener to the series, with Matt Smith again in fine form (even if he insists on dancing everywhere while parrots out his dialogue!) as the Doctor, and the foxy Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, and Arthur Darvill as Rory, Amy's most unlikely hubby.  The episode had some fun moments, one of them being the Doctor materialising in the oval office of the Whitehouse where he stands making notes, only to have the president and his bodyguard turn around to see him, and the Doctor looks up and motions them to "carry on" as if he wasn't there.  The episode also had a nice nippy pace to it as things move along quite nicely, there are some scary looking monsters in it too, that appear to erase your memory of their presence when you move out of sight from them.  Being the first of a two part story (which is unusual for a season opener as they are usually one parters for the start of a new series) it makes for an intruiging episode next week.

So Doctor Who is back on screen and its good to see it again, and so far it promises to build on the excellent season that came before it.  And more to follow when the next episode, The Day of Moon, looms.

Oh and nearly forgot (this is two days later than posted!) Happy Easter!! (a belated one).  

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